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Volunteer Abroad Programs

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in the world, then the community conservation efforts available through our volunteer abroad programs are for you. The Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development offers programs the partner you with local communities in the Virunga massif region. We offer programs to get you involved with these communities in a number of ways, including arts festivals, research projects, and more. On our blog, you’ll find more about Volunteer Pro broad programs, and how you can sign up for them. Make sure to check back often to see the latest posts and find out how you can get involved in this beautiful and dynamic region of the world.

Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development joined other individuals / Organizations and Tourism businesses in declaring a climate emergency and taking action to reduce their carbon emissions. An initiative that declares climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions as per the advice from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030.See how responsible tourism stakeholders and other personalities have committed to take action against climate change byvisiting

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